January 20-22, 2022
We are so excited to see you at our January crop! It's always time for tea. We never thought we would still be in the middle of this virus, but here we are...
Please read below for further instructions.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you will need to show proof of a negative Covid test before attending Crop Connection. These symptoms are directly related to the COVID-19 Omicron variant.
Runny nose
Fatigue (either mild or severe)
Sore throat
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you will need to quarantine (preferably no contact, safety measures if you are in any contact) yourself from others if you’ve been exposed to the virus but don’t know if you have it or not.
You will need to isolate (no contact) yourself from others if you’ve tested positive for COVID-19.
The CDC recommends a five day isolation period if you test positive for the Covid 19 virus.
To calculate your five-day isolation period, day zero is your first day of symptoms. Day one is the first full day after your symptoms developed. You can leave isolation after five full days.
According to the CDC, you do not need to quarantine if:
You’re a fully vaccinated adult with the addition of a booster shot
You’re between 5 and 17 years old and have gotten two Pfizer shots
You’ve tested positive for the Coronavirus in the past 90 days
Anyone not meeting the criteria should remain away from others for five days and mask up when returning to daily activities for an additional five days.
Please download the attached form and sign. You will need to turn in the release form upon entry at Crop Connection. Masks will need to be worn inside the building.
As you prepare to pack up your scrapbooking supplies, remember your Silent Auction item(s). The prettier and more unique your item is wrapped, the more it creates curiosity and higher bids! All proceeds from the "What's in the Box?" Silent Auction benefit the Shriner's Transportation Fund.
For more detailed information
click on the "What's in the Box?" graphic.
Ronald McDonald House is another charity organization near and dear to our hearts. For every dollar you spend purchasing items from their Wish List, you will receive a ticket for a special drawing. Example: $10 spent or donated = 10 tickets
For more detailed information
click on the Ronald McDonald Wish List graphic.
When you arrive, there will be a Signature Charities Punch Card at your table space. If you get 4 punches before noon on Saturday, you are eligible to be in a drawing for a FREE CROP CONNECTION WEEKEND (basic pkg. $199 value)
Here's how you can help two charities and have a chance to
win a scrapbooking weekend
for yourself:
The Shriner's Transportation Fund:
Donate a $10 auction item
Bid in the silent auction
Ronald McDonald House:
Donate a wish list item or $8
Buy a Red Rose for$2
At Crop Connection, we have the BEST MASSAGE THERAPISTS EVER! Alicia Smith and Angela Quinn have the talent and skill to work out the kinks in your neck, shoulders and back from all the wonderful hours you spend bent over your table scrapbooking. Schedule a 15 minute appointment with either of them and your creative juices will flow! Price - $1.00 a minute.
Due to technical difficulties, a lot of our registered croppers did not receive our last email. In order
to be fair to all, the following guidelines will now be in place:
All appointments will be made prior to the event using Sign-Up Genius.
Bookings will not be allowed at the massage table.
Each cropper will be allowed to book TWO
15-minute appointments for the weekend. If you
have already booked more than two, please
remove any additional appointments or Admin
will remove them.
Once the event begins, based on availability you may book another spot.
Just so there is no confusion... the event location is at:
The Wahabi Shriner's Headquarters
4123 I-55 South (frontage road)
Jackson, MS 39212
Click the graphic for location directions.
The temperatures this weekend are predicted to be in the mid 20's. BRRRR!!! It is IMPOSSIBLE to set the heat/air at a temperature that makes 192 women and 1 man happy! Please layer up if you tend to be cold and bring a blanket. If you are in the phase of life, where at any given moment, it feels as if your face has been shoved into a furnace, bring a small personal fan. We try to go above and beyond so you can experience a fantastic weekend, but this is completely out of the scope of our talents!
During our special TEA PARTY (to be announced at the event), we will have a little happy for anyone wearing a hat or fascinator. Anything store bought, handmade, thrown together at the last minute, or vintage will work. You might be thinking, "Why are they asking at the very last minute? Have they gone MAD?" And, our response would be..."I'm afraid so, you're entirely BONKERS. But I'll tell you a secret... all the best people are."
- Cheshire Cat
We are going to have 192 croppers this weekend, so please keep your belongings under your 6 foot table space and out of the aisle ways.
If we can't walk down the
aisle freely, it becomes a safety issue. Not to mention, it makes it difficult for the Crop Connection Crew to get you all your prizes and goodies!
Seats are assigned. When you arrive, please DO NOT move or trade places with another cropper's name tag/space. Requests have been made due to medical issues, mobility or groups of friends. Thank you!